略語・短縮形とは、オランダ語でde afkorting(en)、英語ではabbreviationsという。
a.s. (aanstaande): coming; next, this (next week, this Friday)
aso (asociaal): anti-social person
a.u.b (alstublieft): please
begr. (begraven): buried
beh (behalve): except for
BTW Belasting Toegevoegde Waarde: (sales tax, VAT)
ca (circa): around, about (usually more than sixty miles from where you are!)
dag (dagelijks): daily
dd (de dato - Latin): dated, from (our letter dated 6 January)
dhr (de heer): Sir
dir. (directeur): Chief Executive Officer (the boss)
dmv (door middle van): by means of
dwz (dat wil zeggen): i.e. (that is, that is to say)
EHBO (Eerste Hulp bij Ongeluk): First Aid [for accidents]
eea (een en ander): these things (refers to what has been mentioned before)
enz (enzovoorts): et cetera, and so on
exc (exclusief): exclusive of
geb. (geboren): born/date of birth
gesch. (gescheiden): divorced
i.c.m(in casu met):in this case:この場合には(例:U krijgt dan een entreeticket voor A'DAM LOOKOUT i.c.m. de rondvaart.)
igvn (in geval van nood): in case of emergency
i.h.a (in het algemeen): generally
iig (in ieder geval): in any case
ipv (in plaats van): in stead of
itt (in tegenstelling tot): in contrast with
ivm (in verband met): in connection with
j.l. (jongstleden): last (last Wednesday)
k.k. (kosten koper): costs charged to the buyer (of a house)
KvK (kamer van koophandel): Chamber of Commerce
L.S. (lectori salutem - Latin): To whom it may concern (on letter)
miv (met ingang van): starting at date/time
m.u.v (met uitzondering van): with the exception of, excepting, save
M/V (man/vrouw): man/woman (in job ads)
m.vr.gr. (met vriendelijke groeten): with kind regards (letter)
Mw (mevrouw): Madam, Mrs
n.v.t :"niet van toepassing" - "not applicable"
nav (naar aanleiding van): as a result of
n.o.t.k (nader overeen te komen): to be agreed
nl (namelijk): namely
nr.(nummer): number
o.a. (onder andere): amongst other things
o.m. (onder meer): amongst other, including
overl. (overleden): deceased
P+R:Parkeren en rijden 高速道路の標識で見かけたもの。パークアンドライドの為の駐車場。
svp (Si'l vous plait - French): please
tav ** (ter attentie van): attention of, attn
tav ** (ten aanzien van): with regard/respect to
t.e.a.b = (tegen elk aannemelijk bod): any reasonable offer accepted
tgv (ten gevolge van): as a result of
t/m (tot en met): up to and including
t.n.v (ten name van): in the name of
tov (ten opzichte van): compared/ in relation to
t.w.v (ter waarde van): worth, valued at
v.a. (vanaf): from (mostly used for pricing)
zgn. (zogenaamd): as a matter of speaking, so called
zoz (zie ommezijde): see other side, please turn over, pto
* aka: also known as
btw: by the way
fyi: for your information
OZBE/OZBG (aka* onroerende-zaakbelasting eigenaars/gebruikers): housing tax on 'immovable' objects for owners or users respectively
RRBE/RRBG (roerende-ruimtebelasting eigenaars/gebruikers): housing tax on 'movable' objects (such as house boats) for owners or users
RIOE (rioolrecht): connection to the sewage system (for house owners only)
AFV (afvalstoffenheffing): charge for collecting your garbage
WVOB/WVOW (verontreinigingsheffing oppervlaktewater bedrijven/ woningen): water purification for businesses/houses
INGO (ingezetenenomslag): anti-flooding measures
Having taken considerable time solving that riddle, I realised it's always the little words and abbreviations that trip us up when learning a new language, because these little devils can turn the whole meaning of a sentence around.